About us

About us

Mississauga’s very own fitness bootcamp.

Locally grown, organically produced!

560 Fitness has grown from a local outdoor boot camp named 925 Wellbeing to Mississauga’s best-kept fitness secret.

We started at the very beginning of the 2020 covid pandemic in response to all of the gyms being shut down.

However, Owner and Coach Rocky Parejo didn’t want to start just any boot camp. With very little, he wanted to provide a fitness solution, that would also include nutrition and customer service at a level that no other boot camp was providing. 

And that’s where we are now. Making good on our promise to deliver the best workouts that promote functional muscles gains, a nutrition program that truly addresses fat loss, and a supreme customer service experience that can hold up to any other industry standards anywhere in the world. 

That’s how 560 has become Mississauga’s best-kept fitness secret.

We promise

People working out in a Small Group Training and Shuttle Run Training Fitness Gym in Mississauga - About us.

Coach you through the most functional exercises possible. Additionally, perfect your form, technique, and confidence. Moreover, fosters a space that understands that we all have a story. Furthermore, build your strength every day. Also, build your cardio as well. In addition, give you the most science-backed nutrition coaching around. Moreover, it helps you lose body fat through different nutrition strategies and challenges. Ultimately, all working towards making sure you become the strongest, fittest, healthiest, and most confident you ever!

Our classes

People working out in a Small Group Training and Shuttle Run Training Fitness Gym in Mississauga - About us. People working out outside in MIssissauga

We admit, we are not building athletes to compete at the next CrossFit competition. We have also never once done a burpee or tuck jumps. So if you’re into those types of exercises, we might not be right for you. We challenge the body to progress over time using the most functional exercises around. We aren’t trying to re-invent the wheel. And our high energy classes are always new and exciting to make sure you never get bored.

560 Fitness

meet the coaches

Rocky - Coaches - About us - Small Group Training and Shuttle Run Training Fitness Gym in Mississauga
Rocky Parejo

Owner/Head Coach

Ward - Coaches - About us - Small Group Training and Shuttle Run Training Fitness Gym in Mississauga
Ward Abujabbeh

Fitness Coach

Is 560 right for you?

1 week free trial

Try any or all of our classes offered in a week and then try any other bootcamps in the neighbourhood and decide for yourself if…

Our coaches help you to safely achieve your most desirable fitness goals you never thought were possible.

Our workouts are tailor made for our 560 members. And they’re different, exciting and new everyday!

Our Fitfam is excited to meet you, support you and help you in anyway they can, to achieve your fitness goals!

Our customer service is truly what sets us apart. You have never been to a bootcamp that cares as much about your goals, as 560. And our world-class communication ensures you stay consistent.


member stories


SQFT of Indoor Space
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Private Track & Field
0 m
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Free Trial
0 Week


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